کیفیة تحسین جودة الزعفران باستخدام معاییر التجفیف؟


کیفیة تحسین جودة الزعفران باستخدام معاییر التجفیف؟

کیفیة تحسین جودة الزعفران باستخدام معاییر التجفیف؟

یُعرف الزعفران بأنه منتج زراعی وصیدلانی قیم من بین عناصر أخرى من المنتجات الصناعیة والتصدیریة الإیرانیة.

أهم خصائص الزعفران هی Crocin و picrocrocin و safranal کخصائص لون وطعم ورائحة الزعفران

یعد تحسین ظروف التجفیف هو المرحلة الرئیسیة لمعالجة الزعفران من أجل الحفاظ على جودة ولون وطعم ورائحة هذا المنتج وتحسینها.

وفقًا للمتغیرات الموضحة أدناه ، یمکننا تحسین جودة الزعفران (تجفیف بالفرن والمیکروویف)

  1. تجفیف الزعفران على درجة حرارة بین 40 إلى 70 درجة مئویة

  2. یجب أن تتم عملیة تجفیف الزعفران فی فترة زمنیة تتراوح بین 80 إلى 205 دقیقة.

  3. یجب أن یتراوح سمک الزعفران بین 2 إلى 0?5 سم بطریقة الفرن

  4. کمیة الطاقة المطلوبة لتجفیف الزعفران تتراوح من 200 إلى 800 واط.

  5. لطریقة المیکروویف لمدة 4 إلى 11 دقیقة

  6. مطلوب سمک طبقة الزعفران فی المدى من 2 إلى 0?5 سم فی طریقة المیکروویف.

نشجعک على قراءة المقال وجهًا لوجه ⇐ عاشترى الزعفران مع ورقة المختبر

یمکن القول أن زیادة سمک طبقة الزعفران لها تأثیر کبیر على خصائص جودتها ؛ لذلک ، فإن الکثیر من الطاقة والوقت الطویل لتجفیف الزعفران فی المیکروویف یسبب فقدان الکروسین والبیکروکسین والسفرنال.

فی الأساس ، أفضل طریقة للتجفیف بالفرن الکهربائی تکون عند درجة حرارة 2?51 درجة مئویة وبسمک 0?5 سم من الزعفران لمدة 8 إلى 112 دقیقة.

فی طریقة التجفیف بالمیکروویف تکون کمیة الطاقة 703 وات وسماکة 2 سم مناسبة. وفقًا للبحث ، کانت طریقة المیکروویف أکثر نجاحًا فی حفظ الکروسین والبیکروکسین ، ویتم حفظ محتوى السفران بشکل أفضل فی طریقة التجفیف بالفرن.

کیفیة تحسین جودة الزعفران باستخدام معاییر التجفیف؟ 

کیفیة تخزین الزعفران فی المنزل

إذا کنت قد اشتریت الزعفران للتو ، فإن الخطوة الأولى فی الحفاظ على هذه التوابل الثمینة هی تجفیفها.

إن طریقة تجفیف الزعفران فی المنزل سهلة للغایة عن طریق وضع خیوط الزعفران بین المناشف الورقیة وترکها فی مکان دافئ وجاف ، وسوف تجف الخیوط فی غضون أسبوع تقریبًا ، ثم ضعیها فی وعاء زجاجی أو علبة معدنیة وإغلاقها. غطاء ، أغلق بإحکام.

للحفاظ على جودة الزعفران ، من الأفضل استخدام غطاء من رقائق الألمنیوم ، لأن أی رطوبة یمکن أن تؤدی إلى فقدان خصائص الزعفران ، ویمکن أن یؤدی تسرب الهواء إلى الحاویة إلى فقدان خصائص الزعفران.

فی کل مرة یتم فیها فتح غطاء وعاء الزعفران ، تدخل بعض الرطوبة إلى الحاویة وإعادة استخدامها ستؤدی إلى إتلاف محتویاتها.

من الأفضل تخزین الزعفران فی وعاء خاص وفی مکان بارد وجاف بعیدًا عن أشعة الشمس.

فی الأساس ، یتم حصاد الزعفران قبل شروق الشمس لأنه إذا تعرض للضوء ، فإنه یفقد لونه ورائحته على الفور.

نشجعک على قراءة المقال وجهًا لوجه ⇐ خصائص الزعفران فی الطب الإسلامی والإیرانی

إذا کنت تخطط لتخزین هذا المنتج لفترة طویلة ، ضعه فی مکان مظلم بعیدًا عن أی مصدر ضوء طبیعی أو صناعی ، لأن الضوء یغیر لون ورائحة الزعفران.

یمکن أن یکون تخزین الحاویات التی تحتوی على الزعفران فی خزانات فی ظروف خالیة من الرطوبة فعالاً فی الحفاظ على هذه التوابل الفریدة. وتجدر الإشارة إلى أنه إذا قمت بتخزین الزعفران فی خزانة معدنیة ، اعتمادًا على نوع الخزانة التی یمکن أن تمتص الحرارة ، فقد یؤثر ذلک على جودة الزعفران ، لذا فإن الخزانات الخشبیة أکثر ملاءمة لتخزین الزعفران.

کیفیة تحسین جودة الزعفران باستخدام معاییر التجفیف؟ 

تجدر الإشارة إلى أن ظروف تخزین الزعفران مهمة جدًا لأن تقلیل زیت الزعفران الأساسی أو فی الواقع رائحة الزعفران یعنی تقلیل خصائصه.

یمکن القول أنه کلما زاد فقدان الزعفران لرائحته ، قلت قیمته وکفاءته ، لذلک عند تخزین هذا المنتج الفرید ، وفر الظروف لتخزینه بمزید من العنایة والاهتمام لتحسین جودته لمدة عامین.

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Bought saffron with a laboratory sheet


Bought saffron with a laboratory sheet

Bought saffron with a laboratory sheet

Most people use saffron as a flavoring for their food, but some people use it as a very powerful medicine to treat some diseases.

Saffron is one of the most expensive spices in the world due to its amazing properties, but how do we know that the purchased saffron is healthy?

We all try to buy the best kind of saffron, especially spices that are widely used in the taste of food and the treatment of some diseases; Therefore, we try to provide saffron with suitable quality.

The most important factor to buy a quality saffron is to observe the color and aroma of saffron, but in order to be 100% sure of the quality of saffron, saffron must be tested in saffron quality control laboratories.

Today, viewing the saffron quality test sheet is one of the purchase factors for saffron customers.

Also read ⇒ Steps of storing saffron bulbs

 What are the important parameters of saffron test sheet?

  •  Aroma of saffron

The amount of safranal is calculated according to the dry matter. This chart should show a number between 20 and 50.

  • Taste of saffron

In the measuring sheet, the amount of picrocrocin is calculated based on the dry matter, and saffron of some grade must have picrocrocin 85.

  • The coloring power of saffron

For this test, the minimum available crocin is determined based on the dry matter because the reason for staining saffron is due to the presence of crocin.

Most saffron with a color of more than 230 to 270 is considered as an export super jewel.

If it is higher than 150, it is known as grade 3.

  • Presence or absence of any additive

By adding additives such as salt or honey, the weight of saffron can be increased. By tasting saffron, this fraud can be understood. However, the saffron test helps to find out whether the additive has been added to saffron or not.

It should be noted that a small percentage of the dust in the area is allowed for saffron, but more than this amount is a sign of fraud.

  • Moisture content of saffron and other similar items

  • Additive color to saffron

Another type of fraud in saffron is the addition of colored and chemical synthetic substances to saffron, which is done by fraudsters and profiteers to increase the color of saffron, but this true color of saffron is completely different.

In the cases on the saffron test sheet, a chemical dye detection test is also available. This sheet thoroughly examines the amount of additive dye.

Bought saffron with a laboratory sheet

Also read ⇒ The difference between Poshal saffron and Sargol saffron

Therefore, there should be no chemical dye in the purchased saffron, even in small quantities.

Arsenic is also tested for saffron used for export to other countries. Of course, all of the above factors are included in this test.

Examples of this test can be in the form of solid filaments with a special appearance (dark red) odor and taste, with moisture and volatiles of 4.6% g, the amount of ash in the total dry matter 4.83% g and With acid-insoluble ash in dry matter at the rate of 0.26% g, foreign matter related to the plant 0.05 g, cream with stigma 0.2 g is considered for premium saffron and the amount of heavy metals such as arsenic, lead And mercury should be less than 10 PPm.

Storage and packaging conditions of saffron

If the conditions and method of storing saffron are correct, it can retain its properties for up to two years and we can use it during these two years, after which saffron loses its properties.

It should be known that saffron should be placed in a place away from moisture and in a sealed container. A temperature of 20 to 15 degrees is usually recommended for storing saffron, and the humidity should be around 40%.

When storing saffron, use an aluminum foil for the lid and the container should be free of any contamination and completely clean. The best way to know the quality of saffron is to inhale its smell and aroma between the fingers. Good saffron has a good aroma.


Cultivation of saffron by aeroponic method


Cultivation of saffron by aeroponic method

Cultivation of saffron by aeroponic method

Cultivation of saffron by aeroponic method

Saffron is a strategically useful and money-making product that the demand for planting and production is very high and does not meet the needs of applicants in other parts of the world.

 Most people think that saffron has high costs due to starting a business. Today, it is produced in provinces such as Khorasan Razavi and North Khorasan.

It should be noted that it is done on a small scale and at a low cost. Currently, it can be cultivated in other parts of the country.

Today, using the aeroponic method or greenhouse conditions can be more productive compared to land cultivation, which reduces production costs and is able to optimize the yield and yield of crops.

 To grow saffron in the field, plant-friendly climatic conditions must be provided, but in the greenhouse, by adjusting the greenhouse air, you can produce more than the open space in terms of production efficiency.

کشت زعفران با روش ائروپونیک

Cultivation of saffron by aeroponic method

You are recommended to read the article in front of you ⇒ Factors reducing saffron flowering   


Benefits of AeroPonic Cultivation

  • Reduce costs due to onion damage In this method, saffron onions are less attacked by rodents such as mice.
  • Control of pests and diseases
  • Reduce water consumption
  • Increase saffron harvest
  • Increasing the quality of the product and being cheaper
  • Direct monitoring of soil type and selection of the best soil All factors and conditions such as light and moisture will be under control and control.

In this way, all the necessary and nutritious substances reach the saffron onion root by moisture and will not be in contact with water.

 If we consider this plan in an agricultural land with an area of ??4000 square meters, 200 square meters should be considered for the construction of a greenhouse and 100 square meters of the building will be created and used for a hall with a cultivation area of ??220 square meters in 5 floors.

With this planting method, with only investment, at least 7 kg of saffron, 1 kg of white saffron and two tons of onions can be obtained for about 104 million Tomans. The rate of return on investment is estimated at about 3 years and 7 months.

Disadvantages and problems caused by greenhouse cultivation

 Unfortunately, China has become a pioneer in saffron production in recent years, and due to the fact that it uses cheaper labor, it uses less costs than Iran, and although Iran still has the first place in the field of saffron production.

But the process of planting saffron in the country is still stable and may in the not too distant future with the production of cheaper saffron endanger the development and production of saffron, so with appropriate measures before other countries enter the saffron market, Iran must use its capital and knowledge.

Make the necessary use in this regard.

It should be known that every business needs positive interest and energy, special issues and problems that can be mentioned such as buying quality raw materials, problems caused by building a greenhouse and not having enough experience in saffron production.

You are recommended to read the article in front of you ⇒ The effect of saffron on strengthening the immune system

کشت زعفران با روش ائروپونیک

Cultivation of saffron by aeroponic method

 Let’s grow saffron in the flower house

 In June, the onion is removed from the ground and placed in a well-ventilated environment. At this time, the leaves turn yellow and the onion goes to sleep. In early September, 10 gram onions are separated and transferred to the flower house.

 In October, the bulbs begin to germinate and the secondary buds must be removed for the main buds to grow.

What facilities does greenhouse saffron need?

  1. Tank or storage for water
  2. Production hall that is completely covered
  3. Fogger
  4. Saffron onion holding molds
  5. Timer
  6. Shelving

 Due to the water shortage crisis in recent years, the cultivation of this crop due to low water consumption can be an effective way to manage water consumption.

 Also, due to the complete supervision of the type of product from the beginning of planting to the time of harvest compared to the traditional method, it can be hoped that the amount of saffron harvest will be much higher than the traditional method.

   planting saffron bulbs  noorhan saffron  price of saffron    noorhan saffron 
  planting saffron bulbs  noorhan saffron  price of saffron
 planting saffron  planting saffron bulbs  noorhan saffron  price of saffron

Cultivation of saffron by aeroponic method

امتیازتان را ثبت کنید

Red Gold Saffron

Red Gold Saffron

Red Gold Saffron

Saffron is famous for its health flower, the king of spices and red gold. Botanically, saffron has many properties. The growing and flowering season of saffron is in autumn and the time when its leaves are growing is winter, while most plants grow and flower in spring. Saffron withers in this season

In autumn and early morning, most people go to saffron fields to harvest saffron. Seeing purple flowers on dry, grassless ground is not without grace

You are recommended to read the article in front of you ⇒ How to identify high quality saffron

How to harvest saffron

Saffron plant with beautiful purple flowers and red stigma and funnel is one of the most beautiful flowers. The stigma of the colored branch has a pleasant aroma. From this section, saffron is the most expensive spice in the world

Saffron flowers should be collected immediately and the red stigmas should be separated and dried carefully under special conditions so that the quality and properties of saffron do not change

To prepare one kilogram of dried saffron, you have to have between one hundred thousand and two hundred thousand saffron flowers, and a worker has to work 40 hours to pick 150,000 saffron flowers

Saffron properties

Saffron is a valuable and useful plant that is found in most industries, including the pharmaceutical industry; Used in food and industry. In ancient times, famous Iranian physicians such as Zakaria Razi, Abu Ali Sina and Abu Reihan Biruni used the medicinal properties of saffron to treat various diseases

Red Gold Saffron

The presence of carotenoids in saffron is one of the anti-cancer agents of this plant.

Saffron is also useful for disorders such as Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s and is suitable and effective for treating various diseases such as colds, indigestion, jaundice, hepatitis and diabetes. Saffron has anticonvulsant properties, is sedative and is useful for insomniacs. This spice is effective for strengthening memory and helping learning. Contains vitamins B1, B2, B6 and vitamin C

Other properties of this fragrant and colorful spice include its antidepressant properties. Drinking a cup of brewed saffron tea can make a person feel happy and joyful. Red Gold Saffron

You are recommended to read the article in front of you ⇒The effect of saffron on strengthening the immune system


Of course, observing the consumption of saffron, like any other food, is one of the remarkable points, because consuming 3 grams of saffron during a month is beneficial and more than 5 grams is harmful

According to the US Food and Drug Administration (FAD), saffron is a natural and authorized coloring agent and its use as a natural food flavoring and flavoring is unrestricted

From ancient times until today, saffron was used because of its beautiful color to decorate and prepare desserts, ice cream and to flavor stews

In industry, saffron was widely used for works of art such as gilding, calligraphy, bookbinding and carpet weaving

Also, due to the importance and purity of this plant, it was used to write and decorate the Quran and prayers in the color of this plant

چگونه زعفران باکیفیت پرورش دهیم؟

In recent years, researchers have been able to make extracts from this plant by studying and researching it, which has gained a lot of value due to its antioxidant properties

Today, in addition to Iran, China, India, Malaysia, Taiwan, France, Italy and Germany are the producers of this product

In recent years, Spain has been recognized as the second largest producer of saffron in the world. This is while this country is one    of the countries importing saffron from Iran  Red Gold Saffron

At present, due to the excellent quality of Iranian saffron, some countries buy Iranian saffron in bulk and import it into international markets under the name and packaging of their country

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ارسال نظر برای این مطلب

?How to identify high quality saffron


?How to identify high quality saffron

Unfortunately, due to the high value of saffron, some profiteers use the opportunity and by creating fraud in the preparation of this valuable spice, cause uncertainty and customer satisfaction when buying saffron

 One type of fraud is the use of safflower instead of the original saffron. Sometimes saffron strands are sprayed with oil, candy syrup and sometimes water and salt to gain weight

 In other cases, it has been observed that they use colored corn husks and colored ears instead of saffron

 Therefore, if you are going to buy saffron, be sure to buy it from reliable stores and make sure of its quality and authenticity

You are recommended to read the article in front of you ⇒ saffron is useful for heartbeat

?What are the quality characteristics for buying high quality saffron

 The most important quality validation of saffron is its aroma and color. Thus, we can pay attention to the following when buying saffron

: Saffron flower head

 The upper part of the saffron string, which has a lot of aroma and color, is called. Due to its high price, lack of saffron corner, profiteers can commit many frauds. It should be known that the main properties of saffron are in this section

 Negin Saffron: This part is also suitable in terms of aroma and color, but it does not reach the flower

 Straw saffron: This type of saffron is from the head part to the white part located at the end of saffron

How to identify high quality saffron

Saffron category: which includes all saffron strings

 Corner or white: The yellow and white part separated from the stigma that is separated from the flower part and is called the corner

 It should be noted that the type of area and soil in which saffron is grown and cultivated is of particular importance. The best area for saffron cultivation is in Khorasan province and Ghaen region

 Another method of saffron cheating is to paint the ends

 Saffron is usually sold in powder or whole strands. To detect saffron powder, we need laboratory equipment, which is time consuming and laborious. It is recommended not to buy powdered saffron as much as possible, because turmeric or paprika powder is added to increase the volume of the powder

? How to determine the quality of saffron

The lower the color of the strings, the lower the quality

Usually, the smell of original and high-quality saffron is the smell of flowers and sweets, and if you taste and taste it, it will be a little bitter

 Quality saffron is horny on one side and thin and ivy-like on the other

To know the saffron of Sargol, be a little careful, all the strings should have the same color

 In some cases, small pieces can be seen inside the strands, all of which have a good aroma and appearance, which is completely natural, and this happens due to the eating of the handle and the corner during cleaning

   It should be known that high quality saffron does not produce fat by itself. How to identify high quality saffron

 You are recommended to read the article in front of you ⇒ factors is reducing saffron flowering

?What is the structure of saffron to some degree

. Usually saffron should look like a clove, so that the end of the saffron is rod-shaped and the head is serrated, wide and like scissors. The color of saffron should be bright red and its stigmas should not be bright and shiny.

How to identify high quality saffron

?How to distinguish genuine saffron from counterfeit

To distinguish saffron from corn cob, you must pay attention to the appearance of the strings. The strings of corn are straight and the strings of saffron are curved. One of the important features of saffron is the curvature of its strings

Put some saffron in boiling water. After 5 minutes, check the result. If the strands become pale and white, it turns out that saffron is counterfeit
Put some saffron in the straw paper and press. If you see fat particles at the pressure point of saffron, it means that saffron is counterfeit. The original saffron is powdered due to pressure and no trace of oil is observed
Pour some saffron in gasoline, fake saffron seeps in the gasoline
Methane gas-soluble saffron turns purple or orange, and counterfeit saffron turns yellow  How to identify high quality saffron

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   saffron price   saffron flower   noorhan saffron     noorhan saffron  saffron price
How to identify high quality saffron

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